Nursery & Preschool
​All full-time staff of the school must be professing Christians, as well as meeting the Burundian government's qualifications for teaching at their level. We look for those with a deep faith in Christ and outstanding moral integrity, who will committed to support the heritage and Christian principles of the school and adhere to school policy. Employees must be regular attendees at a church (a reference letter from their pastor is part of their portfolio) and take the Scriptures as their rule of faith, worship and practice. In addtion, each must be adequately fluent in the language in which they need to teach, either English or French. However, even if they will be teaching in French, they must know enough English to understand the content of staff meetings and administrative documents.
We are able to offer our staff benefits like health insurance, reduced-cost education for some of their children, and the opportunity to participate in an employee saving and lending program. Also, staff members receive high-quality on-the-job training-- both the school's own training courses and seminars taught by visiting speakers.
Discovery School is a family. We support each other through all the ups and downs of life—going to people’s homes to celebrate the arrival of new babies, attending weddings and funerals, and praying for one another. We share daily devotions and prayer time, and love singing together. Being a part of this group is a huge blessing!